Where to Buy a Homecoming Mums in Wichita Falls Texas

Where to Buy a Homecoming Mums in Wichita Falls Texas

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It’s a night that will be ingrained in your memory for years to come, but here are some things that you ought to know before you go ahead and buy your Homecoming mums in Wichita Falls.

Where to Buy a Homecoming Mums in Wichita Falls Texas

If you went to high school in Texas, then you know that Homecoming season is upon us and that you might be looking for where to buy homecoming mums: extravagant faux chrysanthemums done up in glitter, lights, and stuffed mascots, with ribbons and braids trickling down.

1. When is Homecoming

Take a peek at the calendar over here

2. How to find out about homecoming mums if its new to you (or you are new to Texas)

If you went to high school in Texas, you’ve seen them: extravagant faux chrysanthemums done up in glitter, lights, and stuffed mascots, with ribbons and braids trickling down. Mums—and garters, their male counterparts—are homecoming staples all over the state and a rite of passage for high schoolers.

This is a tradition that spans in small towns and big cities all over Texas, but it’s especially popular in north Texas.

If you’re new to Texas or going to homecoming for the first time this year, here are some things you ought to know before you step out with your mum on Friday night.

Homecoming mums are said to have appeared in Texas during the 1930s, but the first known homecoming mums were worn in Missouri, which also hosted the first-ever homecoming football game in 1911. Some claim the tradition of wearing mums—at the time, made from real chrysanthemums—began before the 1930s.

It wasn’t until the ’70s that homecoming mums became more elaborate, eventually evolving into the attention-seeker they are today.

Where to Buy a Homecoming Mums in Wichita Falls Texas

So, what makes a mum a mum? The construction of a mum is as unique as its owner. Initially, mums were simple corsages pinned to a piece of clothing. But now, mums are so embellished — and often heavy — that they’re worn around the neck.

Throughout the years, chrysanthemum blooms were replaced with artificial flowers, allowing the mum to be preserved. Modern mums can weigh up to 20 pounds and cover a person’s entire torso. The classic colorful ribbons are there, but you’ll also find stuffed animals, feather boas, cowbells, and LED lights.

3. Where to buy a homecoming mum in Wichita Falls Texas

The best place to purchase a mum in Wichita Falls is at your local florist.

Here are some options:

– Bebb’s Flowers   (940) 322-2128

– Autumn Leaves Flowers & Gifts   (940) 761-7545

– Mother Earth Florist     (940) 855-6291


4. What do I wear with my mum?

Because mums are worn prior to the dance, high schoolers can wear what they would normally wear to school. In late September, jeans and a tee seem to always be a perfect choice.

Guys usually wear their homecoming mum on their arm. Girls typically wear the mum around the neck, right below her collarbone. Or pinned to her t-shirt (or bra strap for extra reinforcement).

4. Considerations when buying a homecoming mum

Things to consider when planning for and buying a mum for your date include :

– who your date is/who you are going with

– how elaborate you want your mum to be

– whether or not you will wear it around the neck, pinned to your shirt, or attached behind an accessory

– if your date wants a matching mum or garter (usually matching blossoms)

-what activities or hobbies that they participate in

Homecoming mums are a rite of passage for high schoolers in Texas. If you’re new to the state or homecoming, here’s what you need to know before your big night out with mum on Friday. The best place to purchase a mum is at your local florist if possible, but there are also other options available online as well. With so many different styles and embellishments available now, it can be hard to decide which one will work best for your date. Whether they want an elaborate mum that covers their whole torso or something more simple pinned onto their t-shirt (or bra strap), knowing what kind of personality they have should help guide you when choosing between these two options.

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